Daisypath Vacation tickers

01 June, 2012

Did you know? - Scorpions glow under UV light!

Biologist Douglas Gaffin of the University of Oklahoma investigated the 'fluorescence' and found that the creatures can 'sense' light using their tails. The creatures may to have evolved the ability to help them scuttle away under rocks. Gaffin's team 'blindfolded' scorpions, then tested them with various different colours of light -  and found that the tails seemed to function like secondary 'eyes'.

The insects' shell works as a 'whole-body' sensor which relays information about light to the nervous system - so any part of a scorpion can 'see'. The cuticle (casing)  may function as a whole-body light collector which relays information to the nervous system, the researchers wrote. Scorpions may use this information to detect shelter, as blocking any part of the cuticle could diminish the signal.

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